Wednesday, August 4, 2010

RHSV Information Technology and Historical Societies Survey 2010

This series of blogs will contain information on how organisations affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria are using information technology in 2010. The final report will include a comparison with the results from a similar survey undertaken in 2003.
In April 2010 a questionnaire on how societies / groups affiliated with the RHSV use technology was sent to all affiliated societies.
In July reminder emails were sent to groups who had not returned the questionnaire.
By 3 August, 165 completed surveys had been returned.
Break down of surveys
Societies were asked whether or not they owned a computer
144 of the responding societies own at least one computer
6 are planning to purchase computers
15 have no plans to purchase a computer

Reasons for not having a computer include:
  • Use computers of another organisation (7)
  • Do not have a collection or use collection in local library (4)
  • Nowhere to store collection – stored at a member’s house
  • No headquarters for organisation – meet in members’ homes
  • Office bearers / members use own computers
  • Members not interested
  • Insufficient finance
Computer hardware owned by societies
  • Desktop – 134
  • Laptop – 56
  • Both – 46
  • Inkjet – 110
  • Laser – 62
  • Both – 37
  • Printer-scanner – 3
  • No printer – 9
128 respondents said they had a scanner at the society

 CD-ROM / DVD burner
110 respondents reported having a CD-ROM burner and or DVD burner

 Back-up devices
  • External hard-drives – 71
  • CD-ROM / DVD burner – 69
  • USB drives (memory drives, flash drives) – 64
  • Floppy disks – 28
A combination of backing up devices often reported being used

1 comment:

Infolass said...

I find some of these results quite alarming and cause for concern. I had a query from a researcher recently concerned that if his donation went to a local history group would it be preserved for prosterity. I acknowledged that there is a wide variety of local history groups all with good intentions but not necessarily the resources and skills to maintain collections and make items accessible. Some are absolutely fantastic - others need alot of support. What is the answer here?